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The Hope Conspiracy lyrics
Bled Across The Wire lyrics

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The Hope Conspiracy lyrics

Bled Across The Wire lyrics
burned the years into ashen whispers this acrid smoke chokes my lungs - so careless
with friends we're given - so quick to reject forgiveness suffering to claim back
time - and to think i believed in this burning the years into ashen whispers -
loving - crying - dying - we play our parts - words days' blood and tears shed upon
the rooftops of this city time and time again until we're gone - until it's over -
portraits scars and memories - keepsakes of what used to be my love bled across this
infinite wire - and what it meant - i wish you knew - bonds grow cold and time flies
by - love and energy - it's been wasted - does this mean anything to you? - are you
still confused? - all we do is build a wall between us

Other The Hope Conspiracy lyrics:

Carved Out lyrics
Consumed lyrics
Divinity Sickness lyrics
Fragile lyrics
Hope Bound Heart lyrics
Liars Parade lyrics
Truth And Purpose lyrics
You've Been Warned lyrics
Youth And Its Burden lyrics
Deadman lyrics
Defiant Hearts lyrics
Departed lyrics
Fading Signal lyrics
Fallen lyrics
For Love lyrics
Holocaust lyrics
Just A Lie lyrics
Three Year Suicide lyrics
Vendetta lyrics
Violent And Gray lyrics
Escapist lyrics
It Meant Nothing lyrics
No Love Goes Unpunished lyrics
Regret Kills lyrics

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
Copyright © 2005-2016